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Everyone's path to spiritual healing is unique, and I am here to help you discover your journey of transformation and self-discovery.

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In these one-to-one sessions I specialize in providing guidance and support to help you discover the energy that is keeping you stuck in your life.  My approach includes creating a safe and welcoming space for your healing, growth, and transformation; helping you to understand your own energy and establish a conversation with your body. I guide you intuitively through every step of your journey to live a life of self-awareness, consciousness, and coherence. 

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Discover the transformative power of holistic guidance in a one-to-one coaching. Embark on a spiritual healing journey and gain a deeper understanding of your energetic, mental, physical, and emotional bodies. With my expert guidance and support, you'll achieve clarity and self-awareness. Through personalized insights and holistic tools such as Reiki, Breathwork, and intuitive exercises, we'll create a nurturing space to help you connect with your true self and unlock your unique gifts to share with the world.  Each session will be different based on your progress and the questions that may arise if you are in this line of work. This is not only for those wanting to work on their intuition, but also for those who are already in the holistic field and want learn how to differentiate the energies that manifest during ceremonies or the energy that the client is ready to transform.

Holistic Coaching


Hypnosis is a powerful tool for accessing memories stored in the subconscious, from this lifetime and even beyond. This allows people to access the energy of memories beneath the surface, allowing them to better cope with negative emotional states such as stress, anxiety, pain, fatigue, insomnia and more. With hypnosis, we can gain access to a new realm of understanding and healing.

Monica Bermudez Hypnosis


Magnets are a powerful tool for releasing trapped emotional energies. When identified, magnets can be used to transform these emotions into harmless energy, creating the conditions for the body to fully heal. Through this process, we can experience a deep level of emotional release and transformation.

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Reiki is a holistic healing practice that works on all levels of human existence - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - to bring about a sense of peace and balance. It can reduce stress and anxiety, alleviate physical pain and promote deeper relaxation and better sleep. Reiki energy also facilitates a connection to inner peace and harmony, allowing for a greater sense of wellbeing.



We exist between multiple worlds and dimensions, so it is essential to be aware of the energy in your home in order to live in harmony. Our homes are our temples, containing all the energy from our experiences - both sad and joyful. By harmonizing the energy, we can create a space where we can feel happier, calmer, and ultimately enjoy our homes more.

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Energy is boundless, just as our intentions are. Before we are human beings, we are light and energy. Disease has a process which begins with a thought, creating energy which manifests as a feeling that is somatized in the physical body. Energy has no race, color, culture, religion, or country, and flows freely between all people and all things, allowing healing to take place anywhere in the world.

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Monica Bermudez - Video (1)_edited.png
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Mónica comparte sus dones con todo su corazón y amor. He tenido tanta suerte de haberla conocido en esta vida. Aprender reiki con ella ha sido una experiencia divertida y enriquecedora.


Su honestidad es refrescante; ha permitido un espacio donde puedo mirarme sin juicio, confiar y descubrir mi camino a través de la conciencia. ¡¡Eternamente agradecida!



Mónica enseña desde un nivel de profunda conexión y comprensión. Es responsable en su práctica y enseñanza. Aunque muchas personas pueden enseñarte la práctica de reiki, Mónica te enseña a conectarte contigo mismo,

para que puedas salir de tu mente.

Eso es muy útil para una mente analítica como la mía. Estoy muy agradecida por su habilidad para entender y enseñar el Reiki de una manera que cualquiera que aprenda de ella también podrá practicar de manera responsable.


I love Monica different approach in teaching reiki.She encourages everyone to follow there intuition instead of following a step by step guideline.


I think this approach is empowering. A highlight for me is the welcoming space she provided, I love the small group and like minded people in this circle.


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